The perfect combination

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

Nikita Stowers, Equine Nutritionist MSc (Nutrition) BSc BBS

Nikita graduated from Massey University in 2011 with both undergraduate and post-graduate qualifications in Animal science and nutrition.  She is a registered animal nutritionist in New Zealand and has worked in New Zealand as well as overseas with clients in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan.  Her experience includes work with several feed companies in New Zealand as well as contract work for overseas companies.  Nikita has an extensive research background, with a real focus on applied research that will help the horse owner.  Her Masters research focused on the growth and development of the horse and interactions with nutrition.  As well as this she investigated current feeding practices on Thoroughbred stud farms in New Zealand and from here her passion for Equine Nutrition grew.  Nikita is excited to combine Petra's and her own expertise and experience in the equine nutrition space and help horse owners understand what and why they are feeding their horses.

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

Dr Petra Hazlitt, Veterinarian, BVsc, BSc (phal)

Petra graduated from Massey University Veterinary school in 2010. Prior to this she completed a science degree, majoring in pharmacology in Dunedin. Since graduating Petra has primarily been working as an equine veterinarian in Auckland, with her passions including reproduction and foal medicine. Petra has also spent time working in the UK and has just recently returned from three months in the USA visiting private practice's and universities after winning the Valachi Downs Young Achiever of the year award. While in America, Petra spent time with many specialist veterinarians who were integrating Western and Eastern medicine, creating a holisitic approach to treating their patients. Since returning to NZ, Petra is motivated to offer this approach to her patients at home by integrating her veterinary knowledge with Nikita's nutritional expertise. Petra is also currently studying towards a Masters degree in Equine Clinical Studies at Massey University.