Why choose VANI?
We believe we offer a complete and unique approach to optimising your horses health and wellbeing from the inside out. We have the ability and expertise to do this through incorporating information from a variety of angles. Initially we will obtain a comprehensive overview of your horses current feeding regime through an online or face to face consultation. We can also critically analyse your horses blood profiles from both an overall health point of view and measuring key nutrients that may indicate deficiencies and excesses in the current diet. We can then combine this information with other health parameters such as gastroscopy (to diagnose gastric ulcers), measuring and monitoring fecal pH (to monitor hindgut health) and evaluating the current diet information and analysis, both from a pasture and hard feed perspective. We are able to integrate some or all of these parameters to prescribe accurate and individual recommendations for your horse.
VANI is 100% indépendent
We are completely independent of feed and supplement companies and will provide recommendations that are best for you and your horse, while also taking into account your preferences for particular brands and products. We are also able to formulate a completely balanced feed supplement specifically for YOUR horse to be used in conjunction with a VANI prescription diet. This might work well for you if you are using a number of different products and would like an individualised solution that fits your horse perfectly. This is also a great solution where medications are required alongside feeding solutions.
Specific conditions a VANI prescription diet can help with
Weight Management: Whether your need help keeping weight on your thin thoroughbred over winter or have a laminitis prone, over-weight pony we can help you with feeding and management strategies so you can safely alter yours horses body weight without compromising nutritional needs.
Life stages: The nutritional needs of your horse change dramatically throughout their life and with their work load. VANI can help you safely feed and grow your horses from weaning through to adulthood, including specific needs for sales yearlings, broodmares and geriatrics. We will take into account the work load and career path of your horse and change their diet accordingly.
Medical conditions: VANI will provide prescription diets specific for feeding horses with recognised medical conditions, including equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS), laminitis and other metabolic conditions, liver and kidney disease, joint problems like degenerative joint disease, dental problems and skin and allergy conditions. We may also be able to help reduce or alleviate nutritional based behavioral problems such as boredom stereotypies, or dietary inefficiencies/excesses like magnesium and selenium.